Global Warming

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Global Warming

The shadow of death is creeping widely
I am afraid of these dark reflections, fluctuating before me…
All my charm is slowly getting lost
Time is running out at the fast pace
Is our planet safe ?

We all can feel that the earth is slowly getting hotter. Everyday we hear the shocking reports of the melting of ice, vanishing glaciers and increase in the water level in the oceans. But do we all make efforts to solve this problem. Why are we not working out to make our future generation safe? Aren’t we fell ashamed that our mother earth is burning every movement. Ask yourself a question are you a destroyer or the preserver. Global Warming is the shadow of future turmoil and devastation. And it is no doubt a ‘man made disaster’.

Global Warming is the average rise in the earth’s temperature. Already 1 degree Fahrenheit temperature has increased over the past century. In the next one hundred years it is expected to reach 2 to 6 degree Fahrenheit. Along with this the sea levels are likely to rise between 7 to 26 inches. This is largely because of the continuation of the increase in the percentage of the harmful carbon –dioxide and other greenhouse gases resulting from the numerous human activities such as industrial processes, deforestation, fossil fuel combustion etc.

Effects of Global Warming :

Alarming rate of hurricanes and other storms
Threat to the bio-diversity
Change in eco-system
Increased risks of droughts and floods
Changes in precipitation patterns
Increasing beach erosion
Tropical diseases
Overall effecting public health


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